Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Artkive...what a genius App

This is a genius app and I can't wait to start using it....Artkive! My kids have SO many art projects that I can seriously wallpaper my entire house with all of them, and I try and go through them and "de-clutter" the art box, but somehow my daughter always finds them in the trash and takes them out! This app is just what I need. You add your children's names and grades they are in, take photos of their many pages of artwork, you then tag your photo with your child's name, grade, date and title. You can also share the photos your little Picasso's made! You can then make a book of all the artwork! Genius, seriously! This would be perfect for an end of the year gift for your child, I know mine would love it! Then you can throw away all the ones you don't "want" to save....but just don't let your kids see you throwing it away!

Until next time...

Monday, August 20, 2012


I have been crafting and scrapbooking for years...however it wasn't until my friend lexi shared embossing with me a few months ago that I realized just what fun I was missing.It doesn't require many supplies...a heat gun, an embossing pad, embossing powder and any stamp you either already have or buy. Luky for me lexi lent me her supplies while she went on her honeymoon.
Heat Gun...Embossing Pad and Powder ( which comes in every color u can think of )
Using embosing pad
stamp on paper
Sprinkle powder over stamp while wet and and then remove excess powder
Heat the stamp covered in powder....
tada! personalized note cards...

I am such a lucky girl I got my very own heat gun and embossing set for my birthday thanks to my friends! Many more embossing projects to come!

<3 Rosette 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Long Beach Antique Mart

Every third sunday of the month veteran stadium in long beach is  home to an Antique Mart....not sure what we were in for my bestie jessica and I set out early to beat the heat and find some deals.
It's 5 bucks to get in and well worth the money parking is free but get there early to get a good spot....all kinds of booths military memorbilla, shabby chic decor and everything in between. If it weren't for the miserable heat we could have stayed all day. We both picked up a few things...
Really cute heart earrings the one on the left is how I bought them and the right one I cleaned up with a silver cloth

Small decorative wheelbarrow for the garden
$1 dollar succulants
Super cute new addition to the it!

4 weeks till the next Antique Mart!

<3 Rosette

Sunday, August 5, 2012


It has been two weeks since my baby girl started kindergarten and she is loving it! We are all getting into the swing of a new routine and little brother is adjusting to going to summer camp all by himself without his big sis and he is doing well also. I am still so sad that my sweet little baby girl is in kindergarten but I am happy that she is making new friends and is having a great time!

I snapped a few photos of my sweet little girl this past weekend for a "kindergarten mini photoshoot" that I thought I would share of few of my fav's...

This was her actual first day of school....

She thought it was funny to wear mommy's glasses

I love that I captured her in her moments of looking at books, drawing and writing....all the thing she LOVES to do! I love my sweet little girl, and she will always be my little girl!

Until next time...

Thursday, August 2, 2012


This past week has been filled with so much excitement over the 2012 London Olympics! I have enjoyed plopping myself on the couch each night and gluing my eyes to the TV for 4 hours. Yes I am exhausted from staying up every night until midnight but I just can't help pulling myself away. Of course women's gymnastics is my favorite (I have been watching these girls from the trials). I love that every four years there is unity between all countries, I love that these athletes dedicate their all to these moments, I love that you get excited not just for your own country but for any person that is trying to show the world they are the best at what they do. I love that you get sucked into watching it and you can't turn away. I love talking to others about it when I get into work. I love just about everything and anything about the Olympics, but what I love most is seeing the excitement and joy on the Olympians when they win a's a moment that is priceless! So here's to all the USA Olympians  (especially the Fab favs), thanks for making your country proud!
Hope you are enjoying the olympic games this year as much as I am!
Until next time...

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